What Does it Mean to Awaken Spiritually? | The Let Go
The reason people awaken, is because they have finally stopped agreeing to things that insult their soul. ~Unknown
Some people live their entire lives in a bubble, moving through life like a bull in a China store. No thoughts of others, just of their desires. Some of those may have moments of consciousness, but their agenda is mainly about the importance of their wants and needs. It is as if they are sleepwalking through life, unaware of the world around them.
Luckily, many are awakening from this state. As we awaken to a higher level of consciousness, our perception begins to alter. It does not happen in one jolt, reaching enlightenment. It is a gradual journey. The path is filled with obstacles, as most paths are, yet the new perceptions allow us to navigate them with less angst and more understanding.
Sometimes, a significant event triggers us to seek more; at other times, we have endured and no longer want to stay where we are. Regardless, a spiritual awakening leads us to uncover our true selves. We develop an awareness of who we are at a core or soul level, thus opening a new dimension or reality to our worlds.
Once our expansion starts, we feel compelled to unveil life’s true meaning and purpose. Our days are filled with epiphanies that we are eager to share. We question everything, and at this point, there is no going back to sleep; once we have seen and experienced another perspective, we can not unsee or cease to feel it.
The journey itself may feel lonely at times, seemingly like no one is on the same track, yet at other times, you realize you are having deep and meaningful conversations that come naturally. People cross your path, sometimes momentarily, and sometimes they have always been around, just waiting for the vibrations to sync. When you meet one of these people, you know they are your tribe. There is reassurance in knowing that they are around, but the need to communicate with them daily is unnecessary. Just knowing can be comfort enough.
There are periods when you may feel withdrawn, detached, and separated from those you used to be close to. Initially, the process of spiritual awakening can be disjointed and overwhelming. You may reevaluate your beliefs, your relationships will shift, and spirituality may become important to you when it may not have been before.
Indications of awakening are everywhere. You see signs and symbols at every turn and realize everything is connected. Knowledge is there for the asking.
Dreams become vivid, and lucid dreaming is now something you are interested in. There is an understanding that our dreams are just another dimension of being. Deja-Vu is just a reminder that everything that ever existed or will exist is happening simultaneously.
You will rely more on your intuition, that gut feeling that comes over you, because you will trust it is your higher self speaking. And with that, you will feel like a human lie detector; the smallest non-truth rings loudly, sensing when something is inauthentic.
Everyone has their path, and now that you understand it and accept that it is theirs, you become tolerant of differences. Yet, you know when to avoid toxic people and situations.
You leave judgment aside and replace it with empathy; being of service is essential to you. Animals will be attracted to you, and strangers will share the story of their lives with you. You will discover a compassion you may not have had before. These same strangers you listened to will become teachers to you as well because you find insight everywhere.
When we embark on this journey of self-knowing, we witness the effect of our actions and words on the world around us. What we put forth comes back to us tenfold. The slightest kindness can have the most significant impact.
Each time I have a monumental epiphany, I feel as if the veil in front of my eyes becomes thinner. Life is brighter and more transparent. I literally can ‘see’ clearer. When I doubt myself, I remember that I know, I know, I know. Once we open ourselves to universal wisdom, we are guided to where we need to be and what to do, as long as we can trust the journey. There are no accidents. Kindness matters; choose your words with consciousness and do your best today. With a smile on our faces, we can elevate the consciousness of the world one person at a time.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Originally published at https://www.theletgo.com on March 24, 2024.