Ways of Coping With Fatigue |

Charisse Glenn
4 min readJan 23, 2021


The Let Go

The weariness we are experiencing because of COVID, not the virus’s symptom but of the worldwide pandemic, is real. Fueled by the disinformation and misinformation propagated on mass media has thrown our equilibrium off. Fatigue has infiltrated our lives.

Our resilience is breaking down, triggering feelings of loneliness, despair, and malaise. Compounded by the divisive energy the world has been navigating, many of us have had our batteries drained.

The fact, we as humans have to recharge is no different than the need to plug-in our electronic devices.

When we are physically tired, rest, eating wholesome life-supporting foods and engaging in self-care routines reboot our energy.

Yet, there is another fatigue, felt as emotional exhaustion. The same practices we use to recharge our bodies may help, yet, they will not be sufficient to bring us back into total harmony. When we are physically tired, we go to bed and wake up refreshed; what do we do when we go to bed emotionally depleted and wake up drained?

Everyone operates uniquely. There are two distinct natures in how we recharge our spiritual energy. There is no right nor wrong method, but it is connected to how we function.

Some people gain their energy from being around people, while others recharge by being alone. Although we are a combination of both, there will usually be a dominant inclination.

Let’s look at those who need people to restore their power.

These are associated with performers or those who love large events and crowds, where they walk into a party, and their energy is full tilt. Often the life of the party, they recharge from the accolades, adoration, or gain strength simply from being within the collective group. They are found meeting for meals and drinks, engaging in group activities and team sports. They need human engagement to thrive.

On the other side are those who prefer their time alone and quickly become peopled out. This camp generally operates in singular activities. They quickly find their stimulation in their creative ways, typically not team sports participants, opting for activities that are one on one. Being alone is required to recharge their batteries.

Neither of these camps is without some crossover. But you will find you lean to one camp routinely. If you require outside stimulation to feel fully charged, these socially restricted times may be more challenging. However, those who recharge alone are not immune to COVID fatigue.

Connect! Zoom, Facetime, Video chat: are easy interfaces that most people are familiar with. They provide the face to face communication many are missing. Or use the good old telephone. Hearing a voice with intonations is more warming and comforting than a text with emojis. Hearing anothers’ voice is the next best thing to being in person.

There are numerous apps and destinations online to find community. I have recently discovered Clubhouse: It is a socially interactive audio interface, where you can pop into various “rooms” to chat or listen. The sky’s the limit, and if you have a discussion you want to speak about, you can start your room or club.

Learn new things. Take this opportunity to explore. The gift of time is fleeting, so don’t let this moment fly by, potentially creating regrets in the future for not taking advantage of this situation.

Collaborate with others: Quilting, sewing circles, or raising a barn were all ways of communal support. Most living in urban areas no longer have those needs or skills. Though, we have others. Get on facetime and work through a tech issue with a friend. Help with yard work, painting a fence, or clearing out a garage. Although you may feel like you don’t have an ounce of energy to spare, you will discover by collaboration; you recharge.

Do for others. Find a charity or a group you can volunteer your time. There are many opportunities for mentorship that can be accomplished online. If you have the expertise, there is a need somewhere. Get creative in figuring it out. If you play music, offer to help a parent with online schooling, read online to a senior, or offer to do errands for a housebound neighbor.

Become a foster parent for an animal. Having a living sentient being to care for takes the focus off ourselves and the unconditional love returned is a turbocharge for our batteries.

Get into nature: The great balancer. Take off your shoes, jump in the sand, roll around in the grass, hike deep into a forest, climb to the top of a mountain, sit on a boulder or look off into the horizon atop a vista-breathe deep. The negative ions from mother earth are a gift to rebalancing.

Trigger Your Endorphins: Usually occurs after 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, eating chocolate, having sex, laughing, getting massaged, and drinking wine. Have fun doing them all!

Learn to meditate upgrade your belief system, opening yourself to love, liberation, and joy.

This, too, shall pass is a daily reminder that nothing in nature stands still, neither the good nor the bad. Why do we expect our lives to? Let go of what we cannot change, be proactive with what we can, and you will discover the flow returning to your life.

Originally published at https://www.theletgo.com on January 23, 2021.



Charisse Glenn
Charisse Glenn

Written by Charisse Glenn

Charisse is a casting director and equestrian. She writes a blog called The Let Go, letting go of all of the “Bleep” that no longer serves our lives. @letgo_now

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