Power is in the Present | The Let Go
If you are anxious you are living in the future.If you are at peace you are living in the present.- Lao Tzu
When we concentrate on anything, we use energy, and although energy is infinite, it can be dispersed in ways that feel like we are running out of it. We give life to whatever we put our energy on, so when we repeatedly compare life to how it once was, we drain the power to create the present.
We are addicted to reminiscing about the past or dreaming of the future. Rarely are we in the present moment. Yet, the present is the only place where we have true power. Here, we can take charge of designing the lives we want.
It is challenging to be in the here and now. I can say with certainty that I am not always there. So, to test ourselves, the next time you are engaged in an activity or out with a friend, observe if your mind is 100% there. Do your thoughts wander, are you second-guessing the conversation, or were you multitasking in your head?
The past also has its power; it can hold dominion over us if we allow it. Therefore, it is futile to keep reflecting on what was unless you examine it to seek out lessons to be learned or avoid repeating the same mistakes. By ceasing to give energy to what was, we can release the hold of that which is unchangeable. Therefore, learning from the past will shape our actions for the future.
It takes the same amount of energy to develop an abundant mindset or one of scarcity. The more concentration we put on anything becomes a reality. So, let’s think about the hardship, the injustices, and inequalities we perceive to be valid. We continue to carry the hurt, resentment, and anger those actions caused, which will continue to be our existence.
For instance, focusing on the things lacking, the scarcity in our lives, the empty bank account, the relationship not going well, or the body that’s not healthy, we maintain what was, not on the possibility of what can be. So by focusing this energy on those things, we produce what we say we don’t want, depleting the energy for what we most desire. Instead, we can direct our focus and take proactive steps, using the power of now to draw in abundance, health, and the life we yearn for.
We can not move forward if we hold on to all of the reasons that hold us back, fear often being the biggest culprit; fear of change, failure, success, or the unknown.
There comes a time to let go of our expectations of how we thought things should be and choose to live in the here and now.
Life is happening at this moment. The only time we have is now. There is no guarantee of tomorrow.
Yet, guiding our minds out of the throes of the past is challenging for many. The past is familiar. We can hide in its shadows, avoiding what is in front of us. The ability to manifest occurs when we stand in the light of possibilities. This can only happen if we are fully present in the moment. Distractions appear to shake us from our intentions, but we can use them to strengthen our resolve. The determination to change when things are not as we want comes from the persistence of affirmative action.
Whether thoughts are based on the regret of things passed or the expectations of future occurrences, it takes us away from the consciousness of being in the now. Our joy will not be found in the past. Seek out what presents itself to you currently. The more attention we put on letting go of what is behind us, the sooner we will be walking on a path of happiness, love, and balance.
Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.- George Harrison.
Originally published at https://www.theletgo.com on April 24, 2022.