Oubaitori: Everyone Grows and Blooms at Their Own Pace | The Let Go
What is genius but the power of expressing a new individuality?
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Many words in other languages lack a direct English translation. Oubaitori (桜梅桃李) is one such concept. The Japanese word encompasses a sentiment that encourages people to honor their individuality and embrace the unique journey of their lives.
Kanji is the Japanese writing system that uses characters, each symbol conveying a meaning or idea rather than just a sound. The Kanji word is comprised of images. Oubaitori is a character of four trees, each blooming at various times in the spring. The word suggests that we all grow and blossom at our own pace, just as the cherry, plum, peach, and apricot trees do.
Oubaitori reflects on the harmony between humans and nature, a concept sometimes lost in Western society. Some may view humans as superior rather than equal to nature. Oubaitori sees all parts of nature as integral to each other.
If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself.
~Charles M. Schulz
Originally published at https://www.theletgo.com on January 5, 2025.