Money is Energy
Who doesn’t want more money?
How thrilling is it when we see a coin on the ground or even better a dollar bill?
Millions dream of winning the lottery and others of receiving a windfall of cash.
For many of us, money consumes our thoughts.
We need it to live. It provides us with all of the niceties of life. And yet, most people feel they don’t have enough and those who do, simply want more.
The thoughts we hold about money, are often the very thing which affects how we attract or repel it.
Have you ever wondered why people who have money attract money?
People who come from affluence have a better chance of making money than those who come from an impoverished background. Yes, money makes money, however, it is deeper than that. The difference is the mindset.
Those whose family stories around money are about abundance live their lives with an unwavering knowing that money is abundant.
Abundance is not about the luck of the draw or rolling the dice of life. To develop the Midas touch we must seize the opportunity to change our beliefs and embrace them until it becomes our truth.
Before there was money as we know it, people would barter for things. Your energy in exchange for my energy. In modern society, the physical energy which was once used is now replaced with paper money which has been assigned a value, but the energy exchange is still the same.
Money is simply energy.
To get what we want, we trade our money (energy) for the value (energy) of something else. It is a give and take.
The simplest example I can share to illustrate this is an exercise I learned from a hypnotherapist, Marissa Peer.
Take a breath.
Now exhale… Exhale all of you breathe every ounce of it. You cannot inhale…Keep exhaling. You are not able to inhale. No matter how hard you want to, you cannot inhale. Keep going… Exhale until you cannot exhale anymore.
Now… Take a deep breath in.. Inhale deeper and deeper into your lungs. Fill them to the brim. Hold your breath in. DO NOT exhale. Keep inhaling until you can’t anymore.
Ok, breathe!
How’d that go?
Your exhale is you giving your energy away.
Your inhale is receiving energy, receiving abundance.
Everything in life has a balance. A yin/yang, a black /white, a give and take. Without one the opposite cannot exist.
And so it is with the energy that we call money.
Each of us has a personal relationship with money. In order to be the money magnet we dream of, we must first identify the beliefs which are preventing the flow of money to us.
The following are some common ideas we hold about money. They may have been learned from our family or picked up from society.
Look at each one and see if any of them resonate with you.
Money is the root of all evil.
Money is dirty.
I don’t deserve to have money.
There will never be enough money.
You are greedy if you want money.
Only rich people have money.
If we agree that money is just another form of energy, now let’s replace the word money with the word energy.
Look at those statements again.
Energy is the root of all evil.
Energy is dirty.
I don’t deserve to have energy.
There will never be enough energy.
You are greedy if you want energy.
Only rich people have energy.
It doesn’t make sense does, it?
To attract money into our lives and to keep it there requires us to change our perspective about it. By changing the stories we grew up believing were true and creating new ones we will be able to manifest abundance.
If we continue to retell the same stories we continue to keep the status quo.
If we change nothing… nothing changes.
We cannot have it both ways. If we focus on stories of scarcity, scarcity is exactly what we will attract. Thoughts are the most powerful tool we have to create the world we want.
Change the story to change the outcome.
Let Go and manifest what you deeply desire. Are you ready to rewrite the story of your relationship with money?
I look forward to the stories you’ll share on how changing your attitude with money has allowed it to flow to you.